Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 1

Hello World!

Attempt at writing a blog #3!  But this time I really have to stick to it!

A dear friend of mine, who I like to call Boss Betty, started her very own picture challenge a few days ago and asked me to do it with her...but I said no.  Then last night after having a long, late night conversation with another dear friend of mine, who I like to call Nessy. told me that her life was boring.  I then decided that she needed to know about the 365 picture challenge because then she would see that her life really is not boring and that it would challenge her to be more creative in her everyday.  Thus I inspired myself to take part of this hopefully insightful, creative, invigorating challenge to spice up my life a little bit!

So for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about here is my spiel...  The 365 day picture challenge was started by some guy (sadly I don't have a fun name for him) who decided to take a picture everyday in hopes of becoming a better photographer and a year later remember parts of his life through pictures.  So now my challenge is to do the same, along with 2 of my great friends!  I will be taking photos of my life everyday for the next year, even if my day has seemed boring I will be forced to capture something and then blog a little bit about it each day.  This next year I have so much to look forward to and I am really excited about this experience.

So here it goes...DAY ONE!!!

Pumpkin Pie and Christmas Lights:  
Today when I got home from school I was tired, opened up the fridge, found some left over pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving and decided that it was the perfect picture op for the start of my challenge.  Its the end of November, stuck right between 2 holidays!  


  1. Hey Em, I love this picture. Very colorful and homey. You need a little cool whip though.
    Love, Mom

  2. wait, are you trying to post a picture everyday? if so, you've failed miserably :)
    although, i do like this one.

  3. uh, my google account name is embarrassing. it's from my jr. high days.

  4. Hey johnglennfan (haha that is pretty funny) two things 1. I don't need to follow no rules you set up for me and 2. dude there is a photo for everyday, that is what matters.
